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Writer's pictureGalina Marx Garin

When the Mind Boggles #2

Updated: Feb 11, 2019

"Hey, GG, do you have a minute?"

"Yes, what's up?"

"The Chief Engineer of Obtuse has asked me to cancel The Biggest Bullshit Project meeting on Tuesday."

"Ok, happy to. I'll do it straight away." (to myself: "Perhaps there is common sense in this company after all and we are not going ahead with the bullshit.") "Do I cancel the whole series?" (

"No, just the one on Tuesday. Because we've got one with Utopia 2

on Wednesday anway."

(to myself: Yup, common sense does not exist around here ...)

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

"Wait, I'm not sure you've been invited to that Wednesday meeting. I know The Let's Ignore His Expertise Because We Know Better Specialist has been. Perhaps you should be in this meeting as well."

(memories of being stuck in an online meeting in a language I don't understand or speak - and, no, it's not just Stupid - come crashing down ...)

"is the meeting going to be in Utopian2?"

"Yes, probbaly."

"Then I'm not doing it." (sensing a few surprised looks and formation of a chuckle behind my back).

"Well, ... it might be important. It is about The Biggest Bullshit Project."

"Unless it's 95% in English, I'm not doing it." (the surrounding chuckles becoming audible)

"But some of it might be in English ..."

"All of it or nothing. Besides ... (a stray brain cell fighting its way to the surface desperately trying to unboggle the mind) isn't Utopia 2 on holidays on Wednesday? As in the office is shut down?"


"Why are we having a meeting with the office that is on leave then?" (chuckles turning into laughter)

"I don't know."

I rest my case.

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